Self-Regulation; The Key to Teaching Discipline Successfully

Written by: Sensei Stefanie and Sensei Shannon

When families feel their child needs assistance learning to focus better, improve their listening skills and be more ‘disciplined’, they often consider enrolling their child in the martial arts. After all, martial arts is the pinnacle when it comes to teaching such. Unfortunately, many believe that their child is going to improve in all areas of life simply by watching the instructor shout ‘front position’ or enforce continuous ‘Yes Sirs’ or ‘Yes Ma’ams’ while all the students miraculously respond like ‘robots’ and don’t move a muscle.  Often referred to as ‘militant discipline’ (‘fear based’), this process can be successful, but often only in the dojo. But what happens outside the dojo? Should parents and teachers utilize the same methods to create continuity? ‘I am going to tell your Sensei….’  works temporarily, but what happens when they decide not to continue training? Not every student aspires to become a black belt after all, and that’s ok. But as we know, ‘out of sight’ can often lead to ‘out of mind’.

To truly impact a student in a manner that will positively influence them long term in all areas of life is to teach ‘self-regulation’. Self-regulation is the ability to control oneself; managing one’s own thoughts and regulating one’s own behavior in an appropriate way without being directed.

At USSD 4s Ranch, we have implemented techniques that encourage self-regulation over militant discipline to garner long term results that will stay with our students whether they are in a dojo, home, school and eventually workplace environment. This is done through fun and engaging drills, positive reinforcement, conversation, personalized training, goal setting, follow up and especially follow through.

We also recognize that every single student is unique and learns at their own pace based upon age, development, coordination, muscle tone, personal challenges, as well as a myriad of other potential variables, so results will not look the same, nor will they take the same amount of time for each student. At times, it may appear that there is not enough discipline enforced, especially among our younger students, but we promise you that we are utilizing scientific based proven methods to support the development of self-regulation that have resulted in the privilege of us seeing some of our most challenging students become our greatest leaders.  

USSD 4s Ranch Instructors believe that training as a martial artist encompasses more than learning a set of specific movements and physical discipline. Through our personalized program, students learn application of technique, practical self-defense, self-control and most impactfully, build confidence through the understanding of ‘self’ and the realization that they can thrive in all areas of their life.